But today, my attention is caught by the fifth chapter, Study. So after re-reading the chapter, I'm thinking of which book to study next?�
I started on Nouwen's "Reaching Out" but have gotten trapped in chapter two. I've been reading the Bible in a year but have gotten stuck in 1 Kings. I simply don't feel like reading the books anymore and am wanting to skip to another chapter or maybe skip the book entirely. But then the chapter reminds us that, "We want life-transforming truth, not just good feelings. We are willing to pay the price of barren day after barren day until the meaning is clear." True discipline of study means sticking to it, faithfully until we receive from God what He wants us to understand. Only then can we receive transformation. I guess I am not the faithful follower I've always believed I am. I've loved myself more than God. I've done what is comfortable and what is easy.�
So, join me in praying for a new desire to follow the discipline of study--for me to read a book until I finish it because I know it's what God wants me to read. I pray the same for all of you as you discover your heart for studying His word and His ways.